Subject: Re: Running X Windows
To: Nigel Elliott <>
From: Chris Gilbert <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/25/1998 19:37:31
On 25 Jan 1998, Nigel Elliott wrote:
> I am having problems getting X windows to run. I have been through the
> X Windows manual pages but still haven't got anywhere.
> The error message I get when I run 'startx' is as follows:
> /usr/libexec/ : xdm : : No such file or directory.
> I checked that exists which it does in '/usr/X11R6.3/lib'
> directory.
> Has anyone else had this problem before and if so could you please put
> me out of my misery.
Try adding lines to your /etc/ld.conf and rebooting, ld.conf has a file
format of each line being a path to libs, (note this is from memory)
or something like that, you can check which libs ld knows about with
ldconfig -r, check man ldconfig and man ld.conf
On another note I think this is at least the third time this sort of
question has come up, perhaps it should go in the FAQ?