Subject: Re: mountfd/shutdown
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: S.J. Borrill <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/11/1998 19:01:33
On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, Neil A. Carson wrote:

> Would it help if you did 'exec shutdown' from the script? Maybe then the
> controling shell will actually be replaced by shutdown. Just a
> thought...

That doesn't seem to help. It gets even worse if you try and do it from a
cgi script. Most of the processes die, but not all (inetd, nfsd, mountd,
init, etc. are left). Any shells open continue to be usable. You then
still need to type halt atan open shell to shut the machine down (Woe
betide you if you don't have an open shell; all the getty processes have
died so you can't log in and so you can't sync the discs)

Stephen Borrill