Subject: Issue 1 16bit sound (was Re: EtherM bug)
To: Chris Gilbert <>
From: Mike Pumford <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/05/1998 19:35:38
On Thu, 5 Mar 1998, Chris Gilbert wrote:
> On another note can anybody tell me if you have the 16bit sound card on an
> issue 1 board with Risc-OS 3.5 whether you have to configure the sound to
> 16bit? or does it work with another method? If I have no responses I
> can't safely say that my 16 bit sound stuff will work with RO 3.5.
I have an an Issue 1 RPC 600. The 16bit sound expansion is configured in
the same way as for RO3.6 and 3.7 by setting bits in the CMOS with
configure. From a programatic point of view on the VIDC there is no
difference as far as I can tell.
If you have code that you want testing let me know and I'll give it a try.