Subject: Re: Upgrading from 1.2-Beta
To: Marc Theisen <>
From: Neil A. Carson <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/15/1998 17:05:39
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Marc Theisen wrote:
> 1. X-performance
> The Xarm-Server in 1.2-Beta (Version 27, I think) was a bit flaky
> when dragging windows around, hast this been improved?
It's a lot more stable, but the performance still isn't great.
> 2. I/O-performance
> Has the speed of disk-transfer been improved? Under RISC-OS 3.7
> my Quantum 2.1 GB reaches 2MB/sec, but under BSD only about 650 KB/sec.
Dunno. The best way to guage raw performance is something like
dd if=/dev/rwd0c of=/dev/null bs=1m count=64
What does that return? In any case, I don't think performance has gone
up that much, but I could be mistaken.
> 2. What about shared libraries?
> Are the binaries still in the size range of some Megabytes, even
> simple commands like cp, top, ...?
No, libraries are now shared:
> neil$ ls -l `which cp`
> -r-xr-xr-x 1 bin bin 77824 Aug 28 1997 /bin/cp
> neil$ ls -l `which top`
> -rwxr-sr-x 1 bin kmem 40960 Jul 21 1997 /usr/local/bin/top
> 3. StrongARM-Support
> What about the frequent cache-flushings every few seconds? Has the
> kernel been adapted to StrongARM?
Caches still need to be flushed frequently, though netbsd-current should
be better than 1.2. Mark still also has some other patches to the
pmap/vm_machdep stuff waiting to be merged in. Overall, performance is
still bad, but should be a big improvement on before.
Neil A. Carson Business development, Causality and Chalice Technology
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Chalice Tech: WWW: email:
Office contact: Tel/Fax: +44 (0)181 930 7408 Mobile: +44 (0)370 593183
SA110+1100, 21285/PCI, ARM, 3D, RTOSs, NetBSD, Image Processing, NC OSs
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