Subject: Newbie problems
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Marc Warne <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/16/1998 22:01:54
Hi there!
I've managed to install all the sets for RiscBSD (kernel RISCPC-971120)
finally. I was previously installing them on wd0a, but managed to install
them on wd0e. However, upon booting up, it still says 'type inst to continue
with the installation'. Note that I did install the sets using the Datafile
PDCD-4 with 'install-df'.
Also, in order to use RiscBSD, I have to physicially unplug my ICS IDE
card (IDEFS 3.21 for IDE v.6) in order for RiscBSD to boot up. In the
bootstrap, it recognises the IDE card in poduleslot 2, but crashes directly
after saying it has recognised it.
TIA for your help! :-)
All the best,
Marc Warne
/ /\/\ \ e-mail: \-IRC #acorn meet-.
/ / /arc Warne \ \ 11th April \
/__________________\________________ Alpha Programming _\___&_#argonet____\