Subject: Re: Installing sets
To: None <>
From: Chris Gilbert <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/19/1998 23:03:58
In message <> you wrote:
> Hi!
> I've been trying to install the RiscBSD sets from the Risc Disc 3, but
> have only had limited success. Most of the sets install (except ones which
> say 'install x11base before this'), except for x11base itself :-( When I
> try and install this, a load of errors with 'directory not found' in it.
> It's trying to install the things to a valid directory, but it doesn't
> think it's there and thinks it's trying to copy the file to a non-existant
> place :-(
Try doing the installs while viewing files installed (it's an option
after selecting the sets...) This will hopefully let you see which
files/dirs it can't do.
> Also, should I be getting some 'basename: not found' errors while installing
> the sets?
Not heard of this before.
> Also (again) - when booting up RiscBSD on a not-fully-installed system,
> it seems to mount wd0a as root_device on /. I can't seem to umount this
> and re-mount wd0a on /mnt. Anyone know why?
The mount command is found on the root-device, if you umount it then you
can't execute the mount command.
> Sorry for asking perhaps simple questions!
It's what the list is here for.