Subject: Some further questions...
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Marc Theisen <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/20/1998 12:36:31
Hi BSD-Freaks!

Yesterday I quite easily managed to install NetBSD 1.3-alpha on my
SA-drived RISC-PC.

After installing nearly all sets from the ftp directory I tried to
compile the teTeX-sources and also this worked fine after changing
some stuff in the main Makefile :-)

Then I compiled xv without problems. :-)

Now there are still some questions to the experts:

Why is it, that after installing a user with uid 32765 in
group wheel and shell /usr/local/bin/tcsh the following happens:

- After logging in the env-Variable SHELL is /bin/csh, so starting up
  X leaves me in a csh, and not tcsh		:-(

- su - root  brings up a message like "not in correct group to su..."

- Before even trying to start X, you have to do several chmod's in the
  directory /dev	:-(

Furthermore, did anybody try and manage to compile sources of

- nedit	- I NEED this editor
- KDE - available from

Well, enough for today.

Thanks in advance,

Marc Theisen