Subject: Re: Some further questions...
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Alex Hayward <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/20/1998 11:56:01
On Fri, 20 Mar 1998, Marc Theisen wrote:
> Yesterday I quite easily managed to install NetBSD 1.3-alpha on my
> SA-drived RISC-PC.

I suppose this isn't the time to point out that there are 1.3-release
binaries available from NetBSD mirrors?

> Why is it, that after installing a user with uid 32765 in
> group wheel and shell /usr/local/bin/tcsh the following happens:
> - After logging in the env-Variable SHELL is /bin/csh, so starting up
>   X leaves me in a csh, and not tcsh		:-(

Hmm.... You could perhaps just set that correctly in you .cshrc (or
whatever tcsh calls it) if you need to? I'm not sure whats actually
supposed to happen, though.

> - su - root  brings up a message like "not in correct group to su..."
> 	:-(

You need to put your newly created user in group wheel, both (I think) in
the password file and /etc/group. 

> - Before even trying to start X, you have to do several chmod's in the
>   directory /dev	:-(

The X server should be setuid root.

> Furthermore, did anybody try and manage to compile sources of
> - nedit	- I NEED this editor

Hmm, nope.

> - KDE - available from

I've compiled these. There are one or two dodgy spots that I've discovered
in the past week but on the whole it works (having applied the Beta2
patches in the NetBSD package system tree). Until this evening they are
available from this machine,, in RiscBSD-packages and
I've uploaded these packages to They are in
/incoming/RiscBSD. I don't know if the pkg_* binaries are in the 1.3-alpha
release or not...
