Subject: Re: xterm termcap and reboot
To: None <>
From: Tony Houghton <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/24/1998 18:19:26
In message <> you wrote:
> Tony Houghton wrote:
> > $TERM being set to "network" for each xterm I start from the fvwm
> > background menu. I can't find any config file to change this. I've even
> > resorted to searching the whole FS for occurences of TERM, but I
> > couldn't find anything relevant.
> Is that just with fvwm? Does it do that with twm too? If, from a
> 'network' window, you type xterm& does this new terminal also inherit
> the wired 'network' setting?
Right, I had the circumstances a bit wrong. It's OK (TERM=xterm) until I
login again in an xterm. That's when TERM gets set to network. I can
avoid that now, becaue I've managed to get it to boot correctly from
non-root and su doesn't suffer from the same problem.
Talking of starting X, xdm always aborts just after logging in and
returns to its initial login state. Any ideas? Mosaic aborts too after
filling the xterm I launch it from with garbage. Maybe these are
1.3/1.3a compatibility problems?
> And they work just fine. I remember the refault xterm line/s in fvwm
> were wrong for some reason, but I can't remember why. Not for that
> reason, though, I don't think.
I delved into fvwmrc and discovered the paths for certain resources were
wrong (missing the /X11R6.3 bit) so I changed them and got loads of new
goodies I hadn't seen before; that background will have to go though
> > Also, one of the reasons I wanted to run IRC-II in X was so that it can
> > have each virtual window in a separate xterm, but when I try it
> > complains that it can't do it. Is the basic xterm entry not
> > sophisticated enough?
> If the xterm is behaving properly, then pretty well anything that runs
> on a CLI should work in an xterm, I think. If it's just fvwm causing the
> problem and you can't work it out, mail me your .fvwmrc.
It's a slightly different issue because in IRC you can call /window new
or /window create. The former should work in any terminal and splits the
console/xterm into equal sections. The latter is supposed to either open
a new xterm or let you use a second "window" on another virtual screen,
depending on the current environment. Since I changed my X settings
today (starting from non-root, correcting the paths in fvwmrc) it's
changed a bit, it now opens a new xterm, but closes it after a second or
two and reports an error about a signal fromthe child in its main
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