Subject: Problems installing from cdrom
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Martin Tee <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/25/1998 23:01:26
Thought I'd chosen the easy way, but having problems. Would be grateful
for any help.
Here's what I've done:
Partitioned disc to give 1.5GB on ADFS::4
Run !BtRiscBSD with options: Kernel CDFS::RISCBSD.$.KERNELS.RPCINST
Root device /dev/wd0a, Extra options ehbug, Memory disc 0k and
Load symbol table set.
At the # shell typed install and set everything as instructed.
Root partition set to 80 cylinders, swap to 192 and /usr to
remainder. Install NetBSD on hard drive and returned to shell prompt.
Then type inst and select option 'Load distributions from CDROM' and
mount CD. Then select 'Install distribution sets' and choose:
base etc misc local config local man kernels comp ... (in fact
I've tried many different combinations).
Root directory is showing as currently /mnt/
Lots of file names flash by on the screen. When asked
I specify RPCINST as the kernel (have tried RISCPC as well)
When finished I select Quit and return to prompt.
I type Configure as instructed by step 22 in install/cdrom and
accept the defaults offered for the machine hostname etc.
I have no ethernet devices so I say no to the next question.
Then it goes away and says 'Making device nodes ...'.
Now, step 26 says you need to edit the file /etc/rc.conf but as
I'm new to Unix I don't know how to do this so I ignore it and
try step 27 instead. ie. run the configuration manager with the
command /usr/local/sbin/rcm
I just get the reply 'not found'
If I then Halt and reboot and go back into NetBSD I don't get a
login prompt (should I?) and I can't find all the sets I've
supposedly installed.
I know this is a bit long winded but I've tried everything i can think
of and reinstalled NetBSD so many times and know I must be doing
something really stupid that I could with a few words of advice.
Thanks in advance.
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