Subject: ne0 driver, and vipw
To: RiscBSD Mailing List <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Joe Oldak <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/03/1998 14:47:32
2 things:
Firstly, I've been using the new voyager kernel with the ne0 driver in it for
a week or so now, and all seems to be well. There is a minor problem though -
it does give me the odd 'ne0: warning - receiver ring buffer overrun'
It tends to happen when I'm writing to an NFS mounted directory, using
OmniClient. On the RISC OS side of things I just get an hourglass for a few
moments, and then it carries on as normal. The files don't appear to get
corrupted. System info:
My RiscBSD system is: RiscBSD 1.3 release, StrongARM, EtherH, 22MB,
2xstandard 420Mb HDs on the internal IDE interface.
My RISC OS system is: StrongARM, EtherH, 18MB. I'm running Internet 5, EtherH
driver version 4.33, NFS 2.3, Omni, ANT Shi^H^Huite.
Second thing, I mentioned a problem with passwords the other day (su'ing and
unlocking the screen always failing), and Neil rumoured that it might be from
using vipw. Yeah, I have used vipw - but how do I now fix the system...
Have fun!
_|) Joe Oldak