Subject: Problems with kdm...
To: ARM32 Port <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Richard Barrass [RISCBSD] <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/06/1998 19:40:43
After a few initial problems getting X working again after upgrading to
1.3 (and .1 now) I have struck another few problems...
The main reason I've upgraded was to be able to try the kde out.
I've a couple of problem depending on the route I try to get it to run !
1) using kdm, I can login okay, but run into problem straight away with
an error dialog detailing:
/usr/X11R6.3/lib/X11/xdm/GiveConsole exited with non-zero status.
Please contact your system administrator.
This then about 50/50 drops back to the kdm login screen or exits X
2) if I try to use xdm to login, I login okay, but then almost immediately
get dropped back to the login prompt.
Note: I have updated my users ~/.xsession to have:
as the last line.
I'm running xdm or kdm as root.
Richard J N Barrass BSc.
Knight Software Solutions.
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