Subject: Re: startx
To: Marc Warne <>
From: David <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/11/1998 00:13:22
> > You have an old distribution. You quite possibly have statically linked
> > binaries too (which take up loads more space).
> Uttoh...
> I got my sets from the RiscDisc 3...

This all sounds fairly old (although to be fair, I haven't got the
RiscDisc 3, so I don't know how old). I got my system entirely from

and everything seems to work really well.  (However, it does have the
disadvantage of taking some time to download.)

> I don't think I've got any more recent sets...I've got ones on the Datafile
> PD CD 4 (which is older than the RiscDisc), oh - and the Clan Aug '97 CD.
> Is it possible to install the RedHat sets onto RiscBSD and still have them
> working? It it worth trying?

The RedHat sets would be (presumably) from ArmLinux.  As far as I'm aware
this won't work at all.  The best place to get up to date sets is probably
the ftp site, but if your whole system is quite old then just updating the
X sets would probably cause problems (i.e. knacker everything...)

Personally, I'd recommend (and you're really /not/ going to like this)
downloading and installing a complete 1.3alpha system from scratch.  (It
has to be said that the 1.3 install procedure couldn't be easier :-)

Have fun,
