Subject: Re: startx
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dave Daniels <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/11/1998 10:45:31
  DF> Personally, I'd recommend (and you're really /not/ going to
  DF> like this) downloading and installing a complete 1.3alpha
  DF> system from scratch.  (It has to be said that the 1.3
  DF> install procedure couldn't be easier :-) 
But don't make the mistake I made and FTP the files to a PC first.
Everything looked okay until I actually tried to install the
distribution sets. First of all, 'inst' complained that the sets
failed the parts checks and the checksums were wrong. Everything
verified correctly when checked by hand, though. Attempting to
install anything after this failed, always with the same bizarre
error about missing prereqs, for example, for the base set it
said: 'must be installed before base'. It didn't actually say what
had to be installed before base, but as base is the first set to
be installed, then I suppose it was being logical in not listing
anything. Anyway, after much head scratching, I found out what had
happened: when I downloaded the files to the PC, the FTP client
translated 'linefeed' characters in the '.set' files to a DOS
'carriage return-linefeed' pair. The carriage returns were
confusing the hell out of 'inst'. I fixed that and everything
worked just fine. I guess there is a moral here somewhere.
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