Subject: Lastest (19980322) current kernel status
To: NetBSD/arm32 mailing list <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kjetil B. Thomassen <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/19/1998 17:41:15
I am now using the latest RISCPC current kernel that Mark has provided on
This seems to work fine except for a few problems I have seen:
1) I does not recognize my ICS, oldest type, ideA IDE card:
podule1 at podulebus0 : man=0031 : prod=0074 : SF & PS IDE Interface
podule1: not configured
I tried the test kernel as well, to no avail.
NOTE: I do not have any IDE drives attached to it now.
2) I have to use the ANT Internet Suite before I boot NetBSD
in order to get ne0 to work properly (EtherH).
If I don't, all I get is a device timeout when I try to connect
to my Shiva AccessPort ISDN router.
3) dmesg does not work. It gives me a kvm_read error.
I guess I need to recompile dmesg or the userland library.
Apart from these two small problems they seem work fine.
This is just to let you know that I have tried them out, and am
using the RISCPC one regularly with 1.3_ALPHA.
Kjetil B.