Subject: Re: RiscBSD???
To: Neil A. Carson <>
From: Mark Brinicombe <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/23/1998 18:45:49
On Thu, 23 Apr 1998, Neil A. Carson wrote:
> Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> 'RiscBSD' was the project we worked on a few years ago to port some sort
> of unix to the Acorn RiscPC machines. We chose NetBSD (over Linux, Mach
> et al) and ported it. At the time there was also Arch-BSD, which was a
> FreeBSD port by Gary Palmer. We finished, Arch-BSD didn't :) I guess the
> long term plan is to let the RiscBSD name slowly dwindle into just
> NetBSD/arm32 now, but we'll see how things go. We distribute RiscBSD on
> CD ROMs to Acorn users still (=NetBSD/arm32 + Rob Black's X-server)
> although the long term goal is to move over to the X in the NetBSD tree,
> nwscons and all the other MI stuff in the end anyway (though this will
> probably take a while).
Also RiscBSD included a large collection of packages in binary and source
form and a simpler installer to install these packages. This of course was
before the advent of the package system we have now.
In the light of NetBSD now having an X source tree (we will need to write
a new X server to replace the current one), a package system etc. there is
no need for a RiscBSD distribution and the term is becoming less and less
used though due to its 4 year history it will take a while to go.