Subject: Revision K strongarms ...
To: RiscBSD Mailing List <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: William Gallafent <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/29/1998 20:11:31
Well, I've been in touch with a nice man at Acorn who says he'll happily
replace my StrongARM card with one which carries a later chip revision,
but only if I pay him 100 pounds plus VAT. Now, this seems a little steep
to me, and I wondered what might change if a list of dissatisfied
customers were to club together and all demand a replacement board.

So, if anyone else is interested in getting hold of a StrongARM that works
properly, let me know, and I'll compile a list of people. Perhaps by
pointing out the possibility of writing to Acorn User, a few newsgroups,
whoever else we can think of, he might be persuaded to drop the price a
bit (a lot, preferably). After all, he is acting for a company that
shipped cards carrying duff processors.

What do people think?
