Subject: Re: KDE compilation, getting online using pppd
To: RiscBSD <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Coltman Timothy <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/30/1998 14:05:02
William Gallafent wrote:
> OK, on a completely different note, I'm trying to compile beta 4 of kde
> (finally got things working, provided you turn compilation down a lot, and
> it's still a bit shaky) and I'm not getting very far :)

I finished compiling it all yesterday and it's very nice indeed, though 
the kpanel keeps messing with my font for the time/date icon.

> When I run the configure script from the kdesupport distribution (yes, the
> first one I tried) it complains about my X paths not being set up properly
> or something. Further investigation reveals that it doesn't recognise the
> '-lXt' option that it passes to the compiler. Hence a function (xtmalloc I
> think) isn't defined, and it bombs out. How can I solve this?  (ldconfig
> can see the libxt.whatever file) 

First of all, you have compiled QT haven't you? Good. When you run the 
configure script it should tell you where it thinks the X distribution 
libraries and includes are (ie. /usr/X11R6.3/include and /usr/X11R6.3/lib 
or something similar). What does it say there, or doesn't it get to that 
point? I made a couple of symbolic links in /usr to point to my X 
distribution just in case it didn't find X properly, ie.

cd /usr
ln -s X11R6.3 X11R6.1
ln -s X11R6 X11R6.3

This also helps with other, older programs (thinks), and with stuff like 
nedit from the BSD 1.2 sets which aren't included with 1.3 Alpha. Try 
that. It can't do any harm. When I ran the kdesupport configure, it 
worked fine... You have compiled all the necessary sets from the CD? Does 
ldconfig -v show libXt.??? somewhere in its list?

> Btw, I'm compiling from the kde distribution sets ... rather than those
> from the netbsd source tree. How much fiddling am I likely to have to do? 

Are those the ones from I used those ones and they needed a 
few tweaks to get them to work properly on NetBSD: nothing very taxing - 
just a couple of changes to (notably) kvt and kscd. If you download the 
new pkgsrc.tgz set from, it has Beta 4 KDE in there which 
will apply all the necessary patches for you. I didn't bother with this 
as I only found out when half-way through compiling KDE and I don't 
really like using pkgsrc anyway.

> Would I be better off downloading the lot (again!) from the Netbsd source
> tree instead (don't really fancy it...) 

Are those the prebuilt ones? If so, it'll save you a day or so sitting 
watching the compilation...

> Cheers,
> Bill (still feeling my way with this dynamic linking lark)

Hope this helps (a bit).