Subject: Re: Argh! RiscBSD has Died!!
To: Karl@University <>
From: Mike Pumford <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/09/1998 00:27:24
On Thu, 7 May 1998, Karl@University wrote:
> Righto, this has probably been asked before, but I've been away from the
> list for _ages_
> I just installed an I^3 ethernet card (it claims it is an etherlan 600).
> RiscOS works outta the box. Ok, so fire up BSD. The boot gets as far as
> 'checking network interfaces' and then hangs the machine (power off time)
You need to place the line ehbug in your bootloader options or as an
alternative upgrade to one of the current kernels on the web site as thy
have a much improved driver for the i-cubed Etherlan600(EtherH) cards.