Subject: Re: The StrongArm Bug
To: None <>
From: Stephen Potts <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/18/1998 12:19:55
Not wanting to brag or anything.........

I have a contact at Acorn, who arranged an order for a machine at slight 
discount for me.  I put the order in, but they ran out of machines which were 
already built to my spec, so they set about building up another batch, however 
they ran out of StrongArm cards and so my order was delayed (about a month).

I originally ordered a 8Mb (+2Mb Vram) StrongArm (202 Mhz or what ever they 
were) 1.2Gb Hard Drive with 586 Card.  unfortunately :) they ran out of the 
StrongArms and had to give me a 233Mhz for the same price :).  This is the 
reason why I thought that I had an early 233Mhz.

The machine finally arrived at my house mid September 1997 where the courier 
dropped it onto the concrete.  The box bounced and the monitor although working, 
had a slanted picture, so it went back.  This RISC PC survived the fall.

FYI I have heard of several couriers dropping computers on delivery (not just 
Acorn's deliveries, other companies too).


Steve Potts.