Subject: Where to find Xarm-34 (was Re: Cryptozilla vailable)
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Baeurle <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/19/1998 23:52:17
In message <>
Joe Oldak <> wrote:
> > Xarm-34-vide1124
> My my! When might we see such a beast? The poor performance (and
> stability) of Xarm-33 is annoying me a little...
Rob Black made this available for people to test some time ago with a test
kernel with the new console code.
The ftp server is
I never found Xarm-33 unstable though but then I haven't used it for quite some
Xarm-34 is quite stable for me, though occasionally it crashes with a "Memory
Rob, I never managed to check out the console code though, but never got round
to tell you, so I'm using this convenient opportunity. ;-)
The problem is that the test kernels you made available switch to a different
screenmode shortly after booting, and my monitor can't sync it. It seems I'm
dropped right into a shell where I can type "halt" to get back to RISC OS.
So long, Markus
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