Subject: Re: Where to find Xarm-34 (was Re: Cryptozilla vailable)
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Baeurle <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/25/1998 23:29:54
In message <>
Robert Black <> wrote:
> Xarm-33 is quite unstable on low memory machines. I haven't figured out
> why yet.
I also /believe/ that Xarm-34 has become more stable for me when running
Cryptozilla and KDE since I upgraded from 24+2 to 48+2 MB. Before, it used to
swap heavily and eventually drop out with a "Memory fault". I think I haven't
seen this since I got more memory.
> Right. I suspect Mark is waiting for me to give him a 'near complete'
> version before he checks it in. I'll give him some updated sources RSN
> (and possibly upload them on the ftp site if he doesn't feel they're
> advanced enough to go in the NetBSD tree proper).
That would be great!
> If you're dropped into a shell then the chances are this is single user
> mode. This probably means you've forgotten to mknod the tty devices, etc
> (read all the README files for the different versions...).
I'll have to check this. Thanks.
So long, Markus
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