Subject: Re: X server and Cryptozilla
To: David Forbes <>
From: Neil A. Carson <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/04/1998 15:08:14
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David Forbes wrote:

> X server:       Works for about an average of 3-4hrs before giving a memory
>                 fault, which I think was the comment made a while ago.
>                 I've got 24Mb RAM and 64Mb swap space - if it'll help
>                 anyone, I've got the full error message.  (Oh, yes, and it
>                 might help to know that I'm running Xarm33...)

Try using a UVM system. Swapping is now rock-stable with it, whereas
there were some interactions before that caused things to go wrong.
Failing that, watch this space...

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tel;fax:        +44 181 930 7408
tel;home:       +44 1235 528443
note;quoted-printable:Work from home most days.=0D=0A=
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