Subject: Re: build error
To: Patrick Welche <>
From: Neil A. Carson <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/04/1998 18:08:03
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Patrick Welche wrote:
> static postmortem_active = 0;
> int sounds ok as it only occurs as
> if (postmortem_active)
> ++postmortem_active;
> --postmortem_active;
The int will need to go in I would think.
> PS PMAP_NEW is completely unrelated to UVM right? So with options UVM
> in the kernel you only want UVM=yes in /etc/mk.conf, no PMAP business?
Leave pmap_new off. You need machine_new_noncontig and uvm.
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title: Director
tel;work: +44 181 905 7801
tel;fax: +44 181 930 7408
tel;home: +44 1235 528443
note;quoted-printable:Work from home most days.=0D=0A=
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