Subject: Re: Cryptozilla
To: Timothy Coltman <>
From: Neil A. Carson <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/05/1998 18:39:54
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Timothy Coltman wrote:
> Hello all,
> If I remember correctly, Cryptozilla is a web browser and from what I
> have heard on this mailing list, it is very quick. This question has
> probably been asked before but where can I get hold of a copy and does it
> need any mods doing to make it work on a RPC using RiscBSD?
I think it was somewhere on my web site :) perhaps someone else can
remember the URL!!! It was posted to the list a while ago, you should be
able to find it in the mailing list archives.
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tel;fax: +44 181 930 7408
tel;home: +44 1235 528443
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