Subject: Some minor snapshot 980606 problems
To: NetBSD port-arm32 <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Leo Smiers <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/14/1998 15:47:32
Hello All
Today I have installed the snapshot dd 19980606. It seems to work but I still
have some small questions:
1 During bootup I get the following warning:
WARNING: no swap space configured.
I think I have to add a line to the /etc/fstab file but I am not sure how
the line should be. If I add:
/dev/wd1b none swap
I get complaints about the format. So what should it be?
2 Also during bootup I get the warning:
savecore: can't find device 0/0
How can I resolve this? This is an error I have since 1.3_ALPHA.
3 If I try 'vmstat' I get the following errors:
vmstat: no drives attached
vmstat: time makes no sense; namelist must be wrong
I boot with the RISCPC_uvm kernel version 3F and have also linked /netbsd to
this image.
4 And finaly, in the directory /usr/lib are some newer shared libraries
installed. These have a higher version number than the previous ones, eg:
I wonder if I can remove the old versions or do I have to keep them to run
programs that expect these old versions.
Many thanks
Leo Smiers
Specialist Systems Engineering bv Nederland Haarlem
Author of !PDF, current version 0.72c