Subject: Harddisc causes NetBSD to freeze on boot
To: ARM32 <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sebastian Maus <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/15/1998 13:03:39
 Hi there!

After fiddling with software/hardware for five month I managed to get
NetBSD to go beyond detecting my SCSI2-podule now. But the way I did it is
not at all satisfying as I have to remove my SCSI harddisc.
I have no idea where the problem is but a colleague of mine experienced
some SCSI2 harddiscs locking up decent workstations by answering "I am
there" on for *any* selected SCSI id. Funnily enough, this hardware
combination works quite well under RiscOS and the harddisc has the device
id it should have: 0.
Then I heard of a file where NetBSD keeps information on such weird SCSI
Is there anyone out with similar problems or - I don't really expect THAT
- with a solution for this weird thing?

My harddisc reports itself as a
IdLuGe Type              Capacity    Vendor   Product          Revision
0      Direct-access     2150 Mbytes IBMRISC  DFHSS2F          96C3
on a MCD SCSI-Connect podule (hardware rev. 1.01).

Viele Gruesse, regards,
sMail: Sebastian Maus    Lennebergstrasse 5    55124 Mainz
eMail:   Acorn RiscPC user
Man verliert die meiste Zeit damit,
dasz man Zeit gewinnen will. (Steinbeck)