Subject: Re: Added users have no home directory?
To: Dave Millen <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/10/1998 10:55:49
On Fri, 10 Jul 1998, Dave Millen wrote:
> Salutations
> I have a newly installed 1.3.2 system which works fine, but I can't
> add users successfully :(
> The user is added, but is unable to login and it is not possible to su
> to the user! When attempting to login, the message
> user <user> has no home directory /<path>/<user>!
> even though the directory exists.
> This occurs whether the user is added manually by editing /etc/passwd,
> creating the home directory and running pwd_mkdb or added using the
> adduser script(which creates the home directory correctly) - and the
> location of the new home directory does not seem to make any
> difference.
> I should point out that since I have an ICS IDE interface in my
> machine, I am using one of the test kernels posted by Mark a while ago
> - I don't know if this has any bearing
can you 'cd ~user' from a root shell?
Does the user own the homedir, and what are the permissions on
it, and each entry in the path (does the user have read and
execute permissions on all, plus write on the homedir).
-=- Maybe your misinterpretation of my actions is
in conflict with your misconception of who I am -=-