Subject: Re: How to get RiscBSD without a CD
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/06/1998 21:44:32
> Hi,
>   Ok the last X server build for the RiscPC including Xarm33 is now
> available at

Thank you very much for that. I got it, but have not tried it yet.

However, I was somewhat confused when touring in that NetBSD/arch/
directory. All that other stuff, kernels, sets, and code, is that
more up to date than the 1.3.2 release easily found at the top?
Should I drop 1.3.2 and install that instead?

I am still using 1.2, since it was stable, available, and had
CumanaII scsi driver, but my system is full now.
