Subject: Re: getting a CATS to use el cheapo ne0 & sb0
To: None <>
From: Peter Naulls <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/30/1998 21:52:19
> Man, Fry's is the worst kind of drug... I went there today to exchange an
> ATAPI ZIP drive that exhibited the infamous "click of death" (this drive was
> for my CATS system; the replacement drive worked fine). And lo, what should
> I discover on the shelf but:
> - NE-2000 compatible PCI ethernet for $8 (piles of them)
> - SoundBlaster-16 compatible ISA sound for $6 (limit one per customer)
> I bought 3 of each. (Friends helped me get around the customer limit.)
> I have a slight dread that I have just rewarded slave labor in China.
Hah! yes.. Fry's is a great place.. rows and rows and rows
of electronics goodies at really good prices :) And there are no
less than 5 of them in the Bay area.
| Peter Naulls | Phone 64-7-854-9478 |
| | Java and JVM Consultant |
| | Technical Author |
| Java for Risc OS: | Program performance analyst |
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