Subject: Mozilla from package source ...
To: RiscBSD Mailing List <>
From: William Gallafent <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/31/1998 15:10:18
Purely for entertainment, you understand (well it is a bank holiday ...) I
had a go at compiling mozilla on an SA RiscPC system running the latest
snapshot, using the pkgsrc system ... it compiled up fine (overnight job,
obviously!) but won't run ... the system log says:
Aug 31 14:01:01 gallafent /netbsd: syscall: nosys code=12558316
lr=efbf9fc0 proc=f12a4828 pid=5265 moz-export
Aug 31 14:01:38 gallafent /netbsd: syscall: nosys code=12558312
lr=efbf9fbc proc=f12a4210 pid=5267 mozilla-export
And I'm unceremoniously dumped back at the prompt with a 'bad system call'
(or words to that effect) message :(
Is this to be expected, or is there something wrong at my end?