Subject: Re: Starting a RiscBSD ports page.
To: Chris Blower <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 09/12/1998 09:45:52
	Have you tried the NetBSD packages collection?
	It contains original source, patches for NetBSD, and precompiled
	binaries for over 500 programs.


	 -=-  "There will not be a send-off, a funeral or mass"  -=-

On Sat, 12 Sep 1998, Chris Blower wrote:

> Hi all,
>       I'm thinking of setting up a web site that will contain ports of
> software, (binaries, sources etc). I always find it extremely difficult
> to find ports on the net and I think most people will agree. If you have
> any ports you would li ke to give me, so that I can start the site off,
> it would be a great help. 
> cheers,
> chris.
> -- 
> Chris Blower from..
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