Subject: Re: 2.5" HDD Connectors
To: Darren Reed <>
From: None <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 09/17/1998 14:35:52
> Locally, I've managed to acquire some 2.5" - 3.5" HDD connectors.
> The box has the following on the front:
> DT-327A
> 3.5" - 2.5" CONNECTOR
> it's a small PCB with the requisite connector for the 2.5" drive
> on one side and splitting up into a 40" IDE connector plus 5V
> power connector and some pins for jumpers. Local cost was ~$10
> each. I'm still trying to find a mounting plate :/
> Darren
Thats sounds right. You got it cheap too. If it still does not
work, try putting the 2.5" HD into someone elses computer to see
if it works.