Subject: Re: Lesstif blues...
To: None <>
From: Martin Tee <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 09/20/1998 20:46:32
On 19 Sep, Martin Tee <> wrote:
> can't get my own progs to run :-(. Am about to try nedit.

The saga continues...
Nedit compiled OK but crashed with a server memory fault. Reinstalled
1.3.2 from scratch including the comp set as I had a rather messy set-up.
Using pkgsrc compiled libtool and tried compiling lesstif-0.86.0 which
failed with the error:
Data abort: 'Permission error (page)' status = 00f address = 00000010 
PC = 000ef7f0

Looking back in the archive similar problems occurred with the compiler on
J or K rev SAs (I've got a K rev), the familiar LDR problem. Could this be
the cause of my problem? and is the only solution to buy a new SA?


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