Subject: Kernel building...
To: None <>
From: Robin Watts <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 09/25/1998 10:10:05
Hi all,

Now that I have my shark up and running stably (thanks to Todd and
others for this), I'd quite like to run it as an NFS server too.

It looks however like this is impossible with the current shark
kernels because some options haven't been set.

If this is the case, then perhaps I need to look at building my own
kernel? AIUI though Mark has some source changes that he hasn't folded
back in - so presumably I can't realistically build myself an
equivalent kernel but with NFS enabled?


Robin Watts,			Email: <>
Warm Silence Software,		WWW:   <>
P.O.Box 28, Woodstock,		Tel:   0585 487642 (or Home: 01608 737172)
Oxfordshire, OX20 1XX		Fax:   01608 737172
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