Subject: JVM on ARM
To: port-arm32 NetBsd <>
From: Sanjay Jaiman <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 09/25/1998 11:30:07
We have been trying to put the JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
on the NetBSD-ARM machine for a while now. If you have
done something like this or have knowledge in this area,
please read on otherwise simply delete this mail.
I am currently looking for JDK1.1.5 sources that are no longer
available from SUN. We have the proper licencing
agreements from SUN and we will show it to anyone
who is willing to provide us with these sources.
The reason we need these sources is beacuse the
port of the JDK on NetBSD has been done only for
Any help in this would be greatly appreciated.
Sanjay Jaiman
Ennovate Netwoks
330 Codman Hill Road
Boxborough, MA 01719