Subject: RE: Source changes on the horizon
To: Jesus Eugenio Sanchez <>
From: Mark Brinicombe <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 09/28/1998 01:15:21
On Fri, 25 Sep 1998, Jesus Eugenio Sanchez wrote:
> Will this Xserver work on the CATS too? Will it support
> more graphics cards than the S3 ViRGE-based?
No the Xserver I refered to was a Xserver to support the RiscPC's VIDC
video controller. The VIDC is an unaccelerated, non-PC video controller
and the Xserver will fit in to the tree in a similar way to the amiga
Since CATS uses standard PC video hardware it will be supported within the
xfree86 sources. The problem with XFree86 3.3.2 etc is that is to too
PC/i386 centered. A lot of the video drivers and acceleration code exists
in i386 assembly meaning that work is required to get Xservers working
with a lot of video cards. The changes that I have for the xsrc tree for
CATS are ones that work round the other assumptions made e.g. how to
generate PCI config cycles, how things are mapped etc. and this allows
servers to be built for those cards that do not have any i386 assembly in
the drivers. There are still a number of problems even with these drivers
to be worked out so it is only a small subset of video cards e.g. S3virge
cards that currently work.
I am in the process of adapting CATS to use the WSCONS code and pulling
the Xserver sources upto date. At that point the patches will be available
for folks to build there own servers etc. As yet I have not found a
"pretty" way of integrating these changes so I am currently reluctant to
commit them.