Subject: Re: KDE and QT lib - Compiling problems
To: None <>
From: Neil Hoggarth <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/03/1998 22:53:00
On Sat, 3 Oct 1998, phums wrote:
> Ok, fixed that, now the compiler dies due to a lack of virtual memory on
> file kdebase-1.0/kfm/kfmgui.cpp, how much does it need? I have 38Mb RAM
> and a 64Mb VM partition, which I would have considered plenty, incorrectly
> it seems
I don't know how much VM is needed, but I'd be surprised if 64Mbytes of
swap wasn't enough.
Check that you're not hitting the per-process limits on data segment
size or something like that (see builtin command limit (under /bin/sh
and derivatives) or ulimit (/bin/csh and derivatives)). I use bash,
and have "ulimit -d unlimited" in my profile to get round such things.
You could run "systat swap" in another window while compiling to check
whether you really are using up all your of your swap during the compile.
If you really are running out of swap and have to provide more
temporarily then the swapctl command may come in handy (assuming that
you're running at least NetBSD-1.3).
BTW, having just looked at this, it looks to me like we've now got the
ability to swap on files on the filesystem, but we don't seem to have
a mkfile command to conveniently make multi-megabyte files for the
purpose - am I missing something?