Subject: Preliminary shared root nfs-server recipe
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/09/1998 19:44:13

this is a backup-the-config-files message ;-)...

after browsing for a while through the /etc/rc* and /etc/netstart files,
I created this:

theoryx:/BSD/root/TEMPLATE /		nfs	ro		0 0
theoryx:/BSD/usr	/usr		nfs	ro		0 0
theoryx:/BSD/usr/local	/usr/local	nfs	ro		0 0
theory:/home/theory	/home/theory	nfs	rw		0 0
/swap			none		swap	sw		0 0
swap			/tmp		mfs	rw,-s=32768	0 0
/sbin/mount -t nfs theoryx:/BSD/root/var-$hostname /var
/sbin/mount -t nfs theoryx:/BSD/swap/$hostname /swap
/sbin/mount -t mfs -o -i=512 -o -s=512 swap /dev
echo -n "creating device nodes..."
/bin/cp /sbin/MAKEDEV /sbin/MAKEDEV.local /dev
(cd /dev; sh MAKEDEV all)
echo done.
As you can easily guess, I had to copy MAKEDEV and MAKEDEV.local to sbin.
/usr and /usr/local are exported read-only.

/root/TEMPLATE is exported read-only,root.

I have one var per machine, named var-hostname, exported read-write,root, to
the single machine only, and a swap file with the same protections.

Now... what was the canonical procedure to use a shared /var/db/pkg? ;-)
