Subject: I need a drink...
To: port-arm32 NetBSD <>
From: Robin Watts <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/15/1998 00:58:39
Hi all,

I have just spent several of the most worrying hours of my life trying
to do the Shark Video Fix. Though it ended happily, I will not be
doing it again!

First off, I wired the components up to the smallest single strand
wire I had to hand - namely that out of a phone cable. While this may
seem like a small wire to many of you (it did to me!) it nonetheless
looked a bit big compared to the pins on the Cyberpro chip.

When I tried to solder the wire on, I managed to smear the tiny amount
of solder I had preapplied over about 6 pins.

So, I spent the next hour or so painstakingly removing all the excess
solder with a combination of soldering iron, solder-sucker, fine
kitchen knife and hurled expletives.

After I had done that (and checked that each pin was indeed not
connected), I decided that I needed to go for smaller wire, and hunted
through my toolbox. I eventually turned up some old speaker cable, and
extracted a couple of tiny strands from that. This looked much more
promising, and indeed actually proved possible to solder to the pins I
was interested in (and only those pins!)

So, stage 1 done. Onto stage 2: removing the resistor. Not nearly as
much of a problem as the first bit.

Moment of truth: power cycle the box... No magic smoke - it works -
yay! Apply the firmware patch given - doesn't reboot. I tried upping
the number as it suggested but it still failed to reboot.

So I took Stephen Roses advice and reconnected the resistor -
everything now appears to be working fine.

The swimming video is *much* reduced, but still visible when the
internally powered harddisc is running - perhaps not something I
should be surprised about.

So everyone out there thinking of trying this yourself: (1) Stiff
whisky beforehand, (2) use the thinnest wire you can find, (3) be
either more competent than me (or cockier - which is hard).

Thanks to everyone that helped me with this.

Robin Watts,			Email: <>
Warm Silence Software,		WWW:   <>
P.O.Box 28, Woodstock,		Tel:   0585 487642 (or Home: 01608 737172)
Oxfordshire, OX20 1XX		Fax:   01608 737172
>From the South Wales Evening Post: "Fresh Coconut, but not desecrated."