Subject: Re: Floating point .....
To: None <>
From: Peter Naulls <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/27/1998 19:18:25
>   I've been trying to run pvm and I have traced down the problems to the
> floating point format.  I have found that 1 as a float is stored as:
>  0x3f800000   (in memory byte order ...  0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x3f which is little endian)
> which is single precision IEEE format.  This is fine.  The problem is
> that doubles appear be stored in a format other than IEEE double precision.
> Here is what I find.  The number 1 as a double should be:

It's an ARM oddity.  I think you may find it's not the byte order
which is problem, but rather the word order of the doubles :-)


| Peter Naulls -              |                             |
|                  | Java and JVM Consultant     |
| Java for Risc OS and ARM - | Technical Author            |
|             | Program performance analyst |