Subject: XF86_SV3 on CATS
To: None <>
From: Dr. Stephen Borrill <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/28/1998 12:01:59
I have two CATS systems in front of me, they are both running variants
on the 1.3F source tree. I believe they both have S3 Virge 4MB video
cards (the start up banners of that cards at BIOS initialisation are
slightly different though).

Both kernels report:
pcvt0 at isa0 port 0x60-0x6f irq 1
pcvt0: unknown s3, 80 col, color, 8 scr, mf2-kbd, [R3.32]

The earliest machine (installed by Mark himself!) has performed
perfectly in X, however the other machine (and the other couple I
used as well) have a problem with X.

On occasions, the screen stretches out vertically (possibly 8 times or so).
The pointer still moves, but terminal switching does not work
(Ctrl-Alt + Fkeys). Apart from this the machine is working fine. The machine
in front of me does this everytime when rebooted (xdm starts from rc.local).
If I kill the X process so that xdm spawns another, the new one works fine.
On a previous CATS system, it seemed to happen randomly. The machines were
using different XF86_S3V binaries (4.5MB vs 3MB!), but even the one that
works fine on my original machine doesn't help on the others.

Mark suggested it might be something to do with screen savers, but I don't
think so as it happens straight away on the new machine.

Dr. Stephen Borrill, Network Computer Technical Manager
Xemplar Education Ltd                         Tel: +44 (0) 1223 724 267
The Quorum, Barnwell Road                     Fax: +44 (0) 1223 724 324
Cambridge, CB5 8RE, United Kingdom            WWW: