Subject: That darn CATS (a new kernel crash, really!)
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/16/1998 02:48:27
Okay, if I enable COMPAT_43 in the CATS config file, it gets past the vfsconf
compile error and finishes building a kernel (fresh SUP, as usual).
However the new kernel just prints whitespace constantly. I see the
Calling 0xf0000020
and then it scrolls up off the screen, and the cursor flickers in a pattern
that indicates it is computing " " to a record-breaking number of significant
I'm beginning to wonder if there is some interaction in the old 0.4 firmware
I have and the new WSCONS code. If so then I'll have to wait until Mark is
ready to take visitors in his new Silicon Valley digs, and take my CATS down
for a tuneup.
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @