Subject: CATS bug update
To: None <>
From: Stephen B Streater <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/18/1998 01:50:00
Thanks for your various suggestions about my CATS machine
running out of kernel memory. However, increasing the
memory will not help, as the problem is caused by a memory
leak related to paging.
Having enabled "vmstat -m", it reveals that each time
the program is run about 15,000 entries in the 32 byte
bucket get added. When the kernel reaches approx 6MB,
the system panics.
Further down the page (after a few runs), "vmstat -m" shows
VM swap 2027k
UVM swap 2094k
ie this is where the memory is going. It seems to use
about 1/2 a bucket entry per page out - which seems
to be about 1 per page free (from "vmstat -w1"),
which is pointing to where the memory leak might be.
This only occurs when there is paging going on, and
page ins don't seem to be needed.
So does anyone know of any structures 17-32 bytes long
which are related to freeing up pages?
[v 13f]
Stephen B Streater