Subject: RP700 / NetBSD 1.2H
To: None <>
From: Paul Wain <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/25/1998 16:01:54
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I know I keep mentioning it but finally:
root NetBSD_1.3H pwain-pc2 [os-src/lib/libc] 178 > rup pwain-netbsd
pwain-netbsd up 366 days,22 mins, load average: 0.13 0.09
1 year up time just before a long weekend :) This was my 1st machine
that had shared libraries, pthreads etc., and did the NCI desktop builds
for the DNA (Sharks). Its still used as a file server.
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I know I keep mentioning it but finally:
<p><tt>root NetBSD_1.3H pwain-pc2 [os-src/lib/libc] 178 > rup pwain-netbsd</tt>
up 366 days,22 mins, load average: 0.13 0.09 0.08</tt>
<p>1 year up time just before a long weekend :) This was my 1st machine
that had shared libraries, pthreads etc., and did the NCI desktop
builds for the DNA (Sharks). Its still used as a file server.