Subject: arm32 kernel crashes
To: '' <>
From: Edwin Foo <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/14/1998 06:25:09
Has anyone seen their arm32 kernel crash after some period of time with the
following message?
bash-2.02# Fault with intr_depth > 0
Data abort: 'Translation fault (page)' status=007 address=effffffc
Instruction @Vf00e9514 = e7972109
Stopped at 0xf00e761c: ldmdb r11, {r11, r13, r15}
I cannot find any one set of circumstances that is guaranteed to reproduce
this, unfortunately. It does tend to occur if I leave the system (a CATS
board) running overnight, but not doing anything except sitting at a shell
prompt. It seems to only occur in multi-user mode, but that is a guess. The
strange thing is that it doesn't always crash at the same spot; the trace
reveals a different call stack every time. As a result, I cannot ascertain
whether this is the same as the crash previously reported by Todd Whitesel
My kernel sources date from October 6. However, I have seen the same problem
under -current (from 12/01/98 to 12/10/98) kernels as well. Unfortunately,
it always seems to panic when I'm not at the console.