Subject: RE: arm32 kernel crashes
To: '' <>
From: Edwin Foo <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/15/1998 19:05:19
Actually, I have what Todd has made so far. It is located at

This is not for the faint-of-heart though; that file is basically a tarred
up version of / off of Todd's hard disk, and will need some massaging to get
it installed. If you are looking for a standard-style snapshot, I recommend
waiting a couple of days for Todd to produce a proper-looking snapshot. I
will probably also end up serving that snapshot off of my computer as well
since I am in dire need of it for my own work here. =)


-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Cully []
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 1998 6:48 PM
To: Todd Whitesel; Edwin Foo
Subject: Re: arm32 kernel crashes

On Mon, Dec 14, 1998 at 04:40:52AM -0800, Todd Whitesel wrote:
> > Snapshot? Oh goody. I was getting worried that I'd be stuck with my old,
> > obsolete (at least it sure feels old considering all the src commits
> > seen flying by on the lists) October kernel for ship date in January. =)
> Hmm, do you have 100 megs of FTP space that could host it when I'm done?
> Source is about 68 megs, the tarballs should be another fifty or so.

I do at I don't have the space for a whole NetBSD
mirror, but I can hold the arm32 snapshots. Give me a holler when you
need the space.

Brian Cully						<>
You think you're queer? I've got news for you: we're all queer. If
you get befuddled by a middle class morality, shut it out. Shut it
out.... Is there an absolute morality? I don't think so. You think
so? Act that way.               -- Glengarry Glen Ross