Subject: more missing files in this weekend's -current distrib/sets
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/21/1998 06:30:20
My arm32 snapshot is almost done, just have to figure out how to do the
source tarballs.
I re-SUPped on another machine this weekend to get the distrib/sets/lists
updates that Todd V. said he was going to do, and there still appear to be
a few absentees on arm32:
I added these manually -- except for the LKM's, but those should go in, right?
While I at it, does "sh maketars secr" DTRT for the secr tarball or should I
do something else with it? Currently I am letting it build the domestic stuff
and this throws off the final "find ; find ; sort ; sort ; diff" check that I
do to see what files were missed by the tarball generator.
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @