Subject: Mounting a disk in a SHARK (and a bit about X, too)
To: None <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/21/1998 10:06:06
I was wondering if anyone's found a good source for mounting brackets to
mount a 2.5" drive in a SHARK. I've got one rigged right now. In case
anyone's interested, here's what I've done...
I bought an IBM 4300MB 2/5" IDE drive and 2.5" -> 3.5" adapter kit from
Dirt Cheap Drives and a 5.25" -> 5.25" & 3.5" "Y" power adapter from Radio
Shack. I had a spare (long) IDE cable and some steel wire...
The adapter kit contains:
* 5.25" "standard" power connector
* A small PCB with a male standard IDE connector on one side and
the mini IDE connector on the other side
* A drive access LED (unused)
* A tray on which the drive is mounted
I did the following:
1. Cut down the IDE cable with a utility knife--leaving just the
two drive connectors
2. Cut two 5" (or so) lengths of the steel wire and thread one
through each of the mounting holes in the front of the SHARK
3. Mount the drive to the adapter tray
4. Attach the power cable to the adapter PCB and the SHARK board
5. Attach the IDE cable to the adapter PCB and the SHARK board
6. Attach the adapter PCB to the drive/tray assembly
7. Place the drive assembly as far forward in the case as possible--
this is basically up against the plastic front. The drive
tray fits through the rectangular opening in the metal front.
8. Thread one end of the wire through the drive tray's side mounting
screw holes. Twist the two ends of each wire together and
9. Make sure that the back end of the drive tray assembly is
resting on the extra length of the IDE and power cables.
Once booted (with the latest ROM image), I created a disktab entry and
disklabel -r wd0 newdisktabentry
disklabel -e wd0
to partition the disk. I don't know the best way to partition
efficiently. I just took the total number of blocks on the disk,
and ran /usr/games/factor to get a reasonable number of heads and
tracks/cyl (13 and 43)--then used the product (559) as the number
of sectors/cyl to keep newfs happy.
After I populated the filesystem (I already had the machine booting
off the net), I rebooted to OpenFirmware and
setenv boot-device disk:\netbsd
I don't know if this information will help anyone else, but it would
have helped me. I spent some time gathering information from the
mailing list archives, experimentation, and I've got a fair bit of
experience with other platforms.
Also, it might help if someone could put an XF86Config for the SHARK
with a multi-sync display up somewhere. I winged it, and it seems to
work, but I don't have much experience with the XFree configuration.
I did have to:
rm /dev/mouse
ln -s /dev/pms0 /dev/mouse
before it would work, and I had to specify Busmouse protocol (not PS/2,
as I had thought at first) for it to work--neither of which was in the
"README.FIRST" file. I'm used to the mac and Alpha X servers where
there isn't this *nasty* configuration file... ;-)
Allen Briggs -
Try free *nix:,,,