Subject: Re: ttys with -current
To: None <>
From: Stephen Borrill <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/11/1999 18:31:18
On Mon 11 Jan, Patrick Welche wrote:
> > What else to I need to change?
> Edit /etc/ttys to use ttyE0 ?


Oh yeah. I hasn't quite understood the significance of the ttyE*, i.e.
that ttyv* were pcvt and ttyE were the wscons equivalents.

Is there any need for keyboard mapping utilities (akin to kcon) with

Still no joy with serial ttys and mgetty:

Fault with intr_depth > 0
tr shows:


I'm using Todd W.s snapshot as todays -current sup just spews out:

Undefined instruction 0xf01183d4 @ 0xf01c7620 in kernel

Final problem is that XF86_S3V doesn't work with wscons. Is it possible
to rebuild from Xfree86-3.3.2 sources and are any patches available?

Dr. Stephen Borrill